I’m not sure I’m going to make it…
Today Allison is working her one shift for the month. We decided I would take off of work today and take care of our son all by myself.
It has been the longest day of my entire life. I really do not see how Allison does this every day!?
Allison left for work at 6:20 this morning and our son was sleeping like a baby (a good baby). Around 7:00 Caleb decided he had enough of this sleeping thing and fussed enough to wake me up. It was a wonderful morning… for about an hour.
Caleb would not take a bottle and would not be consoled. I think he was protesting the entire situation. He has started doing this cry / scream / tantrum thing where he cries until he coughs and then screams until he chokes. It is a fun experience. Caleb eventually passed out on my lap and I took this opportunity to shove the bottle in his mouth and he sucked down its contents in what seemed like two giant slurps.
I have spent half the day walking loops in our tiny home trying to get the kid to settle down. I have also changed about 3,000 poopy diapers and 700 wet ones. Anytime that I can fool him into taking a bottle I work that in as well. I do realize that I am in essence refueling the diapers, but I think that is what you do with a baby.
Caleb did take a little nap in the swing and he eventually took a little nap on the couch. If not for the naps this blog entry and my continued sanity would not be possible.
Allison…please be home on time!!!
Caleb - first thing this morning...
Caleb - missing mommy...
Caleb - in the swing...
Caleb - brief happiness...
Caleb - Daddy's brief happiness...
Caleb - happy after his nap and third feeding of the day...
1 day ago
I cannot believe how much hair that child has!! He's so adorable
Round one clearly goes to Caleb. How does it feel to get owned by someone half your size (we will need to get a judges ruling on that one)? WELCOME TO PARENTING SON !!!
Yes, I hve known the value of my other daughter. Now someone else knows! Thank Allison a little more and make her feel a little more appreciated. Actually, Caleb was wanting his GMom KItchens to come and take care of him again.
GMom KItchens
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