The Two of Us...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Train up a child...

I rarely use this blog as a platform to quote scripture, but I think it is definitely appropriate in this case...

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Caleb's first legos...


I'm not sure if this is exactly what it means, but follow my reasoning...My parents gave me legos when I was a child and now they have given my future son legos. I still have all my Legos and I am doing just fine!

Some of my legos that I might share...











Anonymous said...

You NERD!!! You were not supposed to put Caleb's Legos together!!

Anonymous said...

hey stephen, sari sent me this link bc we were talking about doug sheppard's blog for his kids, and she wanted me to see yours. congratulations a billion times over on your soon to be son! i can only imagine how thrilled and excited you guys are!!!
anyway, just thought i'd say hello, and i'm w/sari- nerd. ;)
btw, this is random, but i was looking through your pics and we totally have the exact same couch. anyway.

Amy Welker said...

Just a few things you will share LOL Dang boy you got some legos:)

Kimmy said...

oh my! your little boy will be a machine with the legos! Just give him a month or two!

I think my 6 year old needs to come over and play with you!

That's awesome...